viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

My Blogging experience

Hi everybody, I will talk about my Blogger experience. Well, I never had done to a blog before this English course. This experience has been very good for me, because personally for me the English is difficult to learn, and this activity has helped me to improve my English. I have had to search more vocabulary for write my posts and practice my English. Through the time I can improve my blogs while I improve my English experience.

In the future I would like write about music or political in general, this topics really passionate me. I like music because of the musical tradition of my family (I have many relatives musicians) and politics because of the relationship with my studies.

In this activity also I discovered the wonderful Blog world, there are many blogs for every imaginable topic, for example I discovered a blog of exceptional and very good psychedelic old music, the link is visit it if you are interested (could be a good project to do any similar blog for English talkers, this blog has many visitors that not know Spanish).

Hope I can do more blogs for contributes to this virtual space and creates more knowledge or opinions.
I invite you to be a Blogger, everybody have something to share.

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