viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

My Blogging experience

Hi everybody, I will talk about my Blogger experience. Well, I never had done to a blog before this English course. This experience has been very good for me, because personally for me the English is difficult to learn, and this activity has helped me to improve my English. I have had to search more vocabulary for write my posts and practice my English. Through the time I can improve my blogs while I improve my English experience.

In the future I would like write about music or political in general, this topics really passionate me. I like music because of the musical tradition of my family (I have many relatives musicians) and politics because of the relationship with my studies.

In this activity also I discovered the wonderful Blog world, there are many blogs for every imaginable topic, for example I discovered a blog of exceptional and very good psychedelic old music, the link is visit it if you are interested (could be a good project to do any similar blog for English talkers, this blog has many visitors that not know Spanish).

Hope I can do more blogs for contributes to this virtual space and creates more knowledge or opinions.
I invite you to be a Blogger, everybody have something to share.

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

About my dreams

I have many dreams that I would like to do, I would like travel around the world, I would like to spend more time in my hobbies like playing and learning to play musical instruments, cooking, learning languages, etc. But I would really like is to live my old age quietly outside the cities, in a sustainable house with solar panels and land to seed my own food and raise some animals (maybe have space to build a chicken coop, why not?)And monetarily I would like to live of an old-age pension. My life would change, I wouldn´t have great concerns and I would live peacefully and doing what I want to do like do all my hobbies, spend time writing and reading books, it's perfect to end the life!.

The things that may stop me from achieving my dream are; have not budget to do it, or simply change the aim of my dreams (I am a person who tends to improvise). The things may help me to achieve my dream are; save money and make a plan appropriately, I could invest my money properly to generate more revenue and finish my university studies (that is my main dream in short term).

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

Carrer-related website: "transparent government"

The Website I like show you is, in English it's means transparent government, this website is a progress on a law N° 20.285 about access to public information, this information is directly related with the practice of the public administration and the Open Government' discipline. This discipline is the governing doctrine which holds that citizens have the right to access the documents and proceedings of the government to allow for effective public oversight.

In this website you can review much information about Government, ministries, superintendents, regional governments and public services as hospitals, electoral service, and the civil registration.

The website has three different sections to search information; you can search for entity (principally ministries), public services, and a search tool in which you can search writing that you seek. When you select an institution you can see wages of workers and managers, administrative acts, organic structures, purchasing and procurement, transfers, administrative information in general.

I rarely use the website; I use it only when I do college work. I like this website because it allows citizens to participate and supervise state money and actions, allowing making a more transparent management and preventing corruption. 

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

My Favorite Photograph

Jean-Marc Bouju took this photo between March and May on 2003 in Iraq. He was embedded with the US Army's 101st Airborne Division, third brigade. In this moment the Brigade had received approximately 30 war prisoners for interrogate them. Among them was a child. The child was a son of a war prisoner, his father refused to leave him alone in the wilderness when he was captured The prisoners were locked in cages surrounded by barbed wire.
The child would not stop mourn for the living situation, therefore, a soldier decided to cut the prisoner's handcuffs so he could embrace and calm his son.  In conclusion, the photo shows to a father and his son that are afraid in wartime while they are war prisoners.

I know that this kind of photos are awful, but i like it because shows realities than sometimes we don’t know that happens. This photo is one of them, I like it because shows two opposite things: the human cruelty and unconditional love.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

How sport can improve chilean life standards

Resultado de imagen para futbol en television

It is proven that sport improves the health of people. The sport improves cardiac efficiency wasting less energy to work, lowers blood pressure and varicose veins, sport allow us lose weight and prevent diabetes. Also the sport have psychological benefits, sport increases the feeling of wellbeing and reduces mental stress.

The Chileans have access to practice sport , everybody can practice inexpensive sports like running, the poor population plays football and basketball in streets. the problem is in the access to rare sport in Chile especially for the poorest people, sports like polo, esgrima or archery are uncommon. I believe that the authorities only promote a few sports, the authorities only build football fields or basketball fields in poorest villages, also only football is broadcast on public television channels. The poorest people who want practice other uncommon sport, can not do it.

I think that many of the common health problems in Chile could be solved if the Chileans do more sport, the public clinics would be less saturated without so many people ill for lack of sport (like diabetics, obese or people with heart problems). Therefore I think that authorities  should do public policies to promote more sports (not only football). 

My fauvorite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is my pendrive. I like it because my pendrive has 1 terabyte of storage also is small. I bought it one month ago in a shop of Casa Royal. I use it everyday for save my class notes because I don't use paper and pens  to write my class notes , instead I use my laptop because that is faster and practical in microsoft word. Also I use my pendrive for do back ups from my computer and recreational things like save movies, softwares, serials, music  and video games . I really like it because I have many multimedia files that could use a lot of space on the hard disc of my computer, if I had not my pendrive my files would be in danger... My computer could be decompose or could be stolen.

New Semester

I'm studying public administration and I have several new subjects this semester. These are administrative theory, scientific theory, statics, administrative laws, English and microeconomics. All my subjects are interesting but science theory sometimes is boring for me when the class gets too philosophical and abstract.

I'm taking chess class in my extracurricular space. I'm a bad player but I want to be better (that's actually the reason I took it on the first place). I enjoy playing chess, even though I constantly lose games. In my free time, I participate in "Cyber-Inap", this is a game group in my university that plays classic video games, such as Age of Empires, Counter Strike and Age of Mythology.

I hope to pass all subjects this semester with good grades and participate more in political spaces.